Welcome to our Chaplaincy! We have a diverse community of students (and some staff) and there are many ways in which you can get involved. Central to the life of the Chaplaincy is our Sunday Mass with social time afterwards, and we always have different things on during term time. We are open to all students regardless of faith, gender or sexual orientation.
The Chaplaincy is part of, and resourced by, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. It offers pastoral and spiritual support, opportunities to explore the Catholic faith, and facilitates community outreach and fundraising for our sponsored charity, EVC Uganda.
We have a WhatsApp group for you to join. It’s just for weekly information from the Chaplain, so you won’t be bombarded with notifications! We have lots of social events at the Chaplaincy, headed up by our Socials Team, and it’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends. To join the Socials Team, please contact Mia.
There is a separate Catholic Society Committee for Newcastle University, so, if you are a Newcastle University student, please do join CathSoc as it helps with grants to put on events and gives us a Catholic voice on campus. There is no CathSoc at Northumbria University at the moment, but you could consider starting one!
Peter Woodley
Will Hitchen
Newcastle CathSoc President